
Showing posts from April, 2009

Old Text-Books

I have often found old text-books helpful when sewing. The pictures are black & white, but the instructions are very clear. They also have little projects with illustrations & drafting information. Plus I love finding old books from the 1900s. Here are two books I found in Google Book Search: • Text-Book on Domestic Art • School needlework

How to Clean Your Iron By Susan M. Keenan Cleaning your iron on a regular basis is essential to maintaining clean, crisp clothes. At first glance, you may wonder how it is that one goes about cleaning an iron. In fact, you may even avoid the task simply because you don't know how to go about it. Fortunately, cleaning the iron is no more difficult than cleaning most other small appliances. All it takes is a little bit of time and a few simple tools. Cleaning the Reservoir The reservoir of your iron needs cleaning if it looks as though small deposits are being left in the small holes on the soleplate. Typically, the deposits are minerals from the water that you are using in the reservoir. The deposits may have a white color, and they may resemble salt. Cleaning the reservoir requires the use of white vinegar and a clean rag. Fill the reservoir of a cold iron at least one fourth of the way with white vinegar. Turn the iron on and place it on the steam setting. Stea...